Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Yellow Ribbon Program and Private Colleges

James Wright, president of Dartmouth College, offered his views on the Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program, a central part of the expanded GI Bill.

Wright called on private colleges to participate in the program, saying having veterans on campus is not only the right thing to do, but is also good for both the institution and the nation. He called this confluence, "the trifecta you can't let pass you by."

According to Wright, veterans are often daunted by and don't know where to find information on how to apply to college, where disabilities are best accomadated, and how to present themselves. Most of all, they often don't know how to get started.

Wright recommends that institutions encourage veterans to apply by posting plentiful, pertinent information on their Web sites, identifying a veterans coordinator on campus, and holding forums to educate faculty.

Listen to a clip from president James Wright's speech.

1 comment:

  1. He called this confluence, "the trifecta you can't let pass you by. college resources
